When I first started writing this blog I had every intention of staying on a two post a week schedule. After all I'm a stay at home mom. I should have the time right? Wow was I wrong. The only person I let down is myself. So November is around the corner and I'm committing myself to posting at least once a week.
Let's talk about what's happened since the last time I've posted something. Well I now have not just a baby but a baby that babbles non stop and army crawls all over my floor. Every day he melts my heart. Every single day. Let's talk about some milestones this little guy has hit!
At four months I started solids! It was a joint decision between everyone whose important in Larkin's life. Including his peditrictian. We started with single grain cereal (Beach nut) and moved on from there. I will be posting an entire post about the food process. I make all of his food and it's so easy!
At five months he got a tooth!! So exciting. He also fully sat up this month. It was also the first time he said "mama" really clear. He now says both "mama" and "dada" . He says them both clearly and often. Nothing in this world makes me happier.
At six months he got his second tooth and started to army crawl! I started to put him on his stomach when he was in the bath instead of in his little tub and I noticed he was able to pull himself forward. Previously he had been crawling backwards and turning all around. Now he's everywhere. He pulls himself up from laying on his back and he's flipped from his back to his stomach at least twice.
I can't believe I have this little guy who is so strong and determined. It's gone so fast. So join me on my journey with a mobile baby. Some post that you can look forward too are : convertible car seat shopping, high chair shopping, sippy cup diary and homemade baby food.
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