Christmas Eve we spent with my in laws. He played with his cousins and cried a whole lot. I don't know if anyone else's 8 month old does this but Larkin only wants me or his dad. He refuses to go to anyone else. He's been like this since around 5 months. But it did seem like he had fun in between crying.
Then we dressed him in his little Christmas pjs and brought him home to bed. He woke up on the button at 8 am. He woke up so happy. Talking away, I was making breakfast so we put him down to see what he thought of all the presents but he wasn't too interested.
That was the scene. Larkin then got his stocking from us which had some happy baby organic puffs and some little cups that nest together and a sippy cup. ( 1 of 4 )
Then came the opening of the presents. Larkin really made out, he ended up getting so many things. I'm not even upset that he probably got too much. He has been having so much fun since Christmas. He wasn't really interested in opening. I'd rip it a little bit then if it looked colorful enough then he'd pull it back. But other than that we had to spilt the opening into two because he became so tired and needed a nap in the middle of opening. This is a mini haul doesn't even have everything. I included none of the clothes that he got . He had a lot of shirts and pjs.
Ah the first of many B toys larkin received. We were Christmas shopping one day and my mom picked this up to show to larkin and he played with it for at least 30 minutes. He loved opening all the doors. Now that he has it his favorite part is putting the ball in the top and letting it go.
This was a no brainer. I know that a lot of children like to pound on things . I know that Larkin loves to pound everything. So I just wanted to give him some tools to make music. The drumsticks have been his favorite toy thus far.
Every since I found out I was pregnant this was one of my dream toys. I just love this B brand. The toys are so beautifully colored. I love the learning aspects of this particular toy. It's something that he will have for years.
This one was a surprise to me. My mother got a good deal on it and Larkin so far has loved it. He knows exactly how he's supposed to push it around.
The elephant! I have wanted this for a long time. So far larkin hasn't paid much attention to it. I'm sure once he gets the hang of it he will love it.
I had to have this Mickey hoodie. His favorite character is mickey. Every time he hears his voice he turns and smiles.
Let's start on the top left and go left to right.
Monster inc sippy cup
Little sully that talks
Small Donald duck stuffed
Medium size Mickey Mouse
B. Fire truck
Munchkin sippy
B. Cell phone
personalized mickey blanket
Mickey Mouse sippy
Owl sippy from target
Medium sized stuffed sully
Mickey plate
Some bath toys
Stacking cups
Dollar spot books
Lion o ball roller
Some tennis shoes
V tech cell phone
Mickey Mouse figurines
Play school stacker
Dollar spot books